

Enhancing Language Learning Through UX/UI Redesign

EnglishLine, an established language learning platform, underwent a comprehensive UX audit and redesign to enhance accessibility and user engagement. This initiative aimed to transform the existing platform into a more intuitive and personalized learning environment for a global audience.



Problem Description:
The existing EnglishLine platform, while functional, lacked modern UX/UI elements that could maximize user engagement and learning efficiency. Key issues included outdated navigation, inconsistent user interfaces, and lack of personalized learning experiences.
Project Objectives:
To redesign the EnglishLine platform with a focus on enhancing user interaction and satisfaction. The objective was to integrate state-of-the-art UX/UI design principles that would streamline navigation, introduce personalized educational paths, and incorporate interactive tools for a more engaging learning experience.


UX Audit:
Conducted an in-depth analysis of the current platform to identify usability issues and areas for improvement.

User-Centered Design:

Focused on user feedback and analytics to inform the redesign process, ensuring solutions were data-driven and aligned with user needs.

Prototyping & User Testing:

Developed several prototypes based on audit findings, which were iteratively tested with real users to validate the changes.

Final Implementation:

Worked closely with developers to implement the new design, ensuring that all user interface enhancements were seamlessly integrated into the existing infrastructure.


The redesigned EnglishLine platform now features a cleaner, more modern interface with improved navigation and personalized learning pathways.

Skills Applied

UX Research, Interaction Design, User Testing, Project Management.


Exploring User Interactions and Design Feasibility

My role in the project

UX Audit & Analysis:
Led the comprehensive review of the existing platform, identifying key usability and design issues that affected user experience.
Strategy Development:
Developed the UX redesign strategy, outlining key interventions needed to address the audit findings and align with user expectations.
Design Implementation:

Managed the design process from wireframes and prototypes to the final user interface, ensuring the integration of UX best practices.

User Journey Mapping:
Outlined user interactions and touchpoints to enhance the user experience.
User Testing & Feedback Integration:
Coordinated user testing sessions to gather feedback on the redesigned features, and systematically incorporated this input to refine the platform.
Project Management:
Oversaw the project from conception through to implementation, collaborating closely with developers, designers, and stakeholders to ensure timely and successful delivery.