

Transforming Mind, Body, and Spirit

GuruYoga is a transformative yoga platform designed to bridge the gap between physical activity and mental well-being. In a post-pandemic world where stress and physical inactivity have surged, GuruYoga offers a sanctuary for individuals seeking serenity and fitness through yoga. This project focuses on delivering an intuitive, interactive application that enables users of all ages and proficiency levels to practice yoga anytime and anywhere.


The main challenge was to create an appealing yet functional interface that caters to a diverse user base. The platform needed to accommodate varying levels of yoga practitioners and integrate educational content about yoga's mental and physical benefits.



Research & User Insights:
Began with an in-depth analysis of the current market and potential user base to understand their needs and preferences. This step included user interviews, surveys, and a review of existing solutions in the market.


Developed the initial concept of the app, focusing on user-centric design principles. This phase involved brainstorming sessions, sketching, and early prototyping to define the core features and functionalities of the app.


Transitioned from sketches to digital designs using tools like Figma and Uizard. Created detailed wireframes, user flows, and interaction designs.

User Testing & Iteration:

Conducted several rounds of user testing with the prototypes. Feedback was integral to refining the user interface and user experience. Iterations were made to enhance usability and engagement based on this feedback.


I developed a comprehensive yoga app that combines extensive video content with user-friendly navigation and interactive features. The application supports users in maintaining a healthy lifestyle by offering a variety of yoga sessions, dietary advice, and wellness tracking.

Tech & Skills

Tech Used: Responsive design, mobile app development, video content integration.

Skills Applied: UX research, interface design, user psychology, project management.


Exploring Functionality Through Visualization

My role in the project

Research & Analysis:
Conducted thorough market research and competitive analysis to identify user needs and industry trends.
UI/UX Design:
Designed the entire user interface and experience, from initial sketches to final deliverables.
User Testing:

Implemented testing phases to gather user feedback and refine the app based on real-world usage.

Brand Development:
Developed the branding strategy, including naming, logo design, and marketing materials.